Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Cloud Definitions

There have been some awesome discussions on this group and many
others, and every time I read or talk with someone I feel like things
are congealing into something more solid.

One thing that seems to be confusing a lot of different people are
some of the definitions regarding cloud computing, specifically
regarding the difference between, cloud, grid, rapid provisioning, and
cloud storage.

I would define Cloud Computing as the overarching concept of all of
the outsourced,rapid provisioning,pay-per-use services that exist
today - Ideally with a low barrier to entry and the ability to
automate your environment.

Grid Computing seems to be services that are extremely granular or
'lightweight clouds'. Pay per usage on a per request model, rather
than an hourly model. Eg: AppEngine

Rapid Provisioning would be services that are more 'heavyweight'. Pay
per usage on a time model, with the real benefit being getting your
service online quickly, and being able to turn it off when possible.
Eg: EC2.

Many providers fall in between these or combine each of their
elements. Do we attempt to define this scale, or simply keep
everything abstracted as a 'cloud'?



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