Friday, May 30, 2008

Re: Cloud Computing & Venture Capital

Feris, you raise a good point. What is the cloud computing market
size? Is it the web hosting market, software, networking? How can we
define the overall cloud computing opportunity in terms of dollars?


On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 1:44 AM, Feris Thia <> wrote:
> Hi Reuven,
> I'm not involved in any cloud leases businesses, but to give a
> thought... you are greatly in competition with other big guys there.
> But in terms of potential market size, I still see there are big chances
> there. As I myself feel a need to buy some cloud resources there for my
> application, since it is very economically make sense. You know, I have
> a long developed application which I hold to publish for the reason of
> infrastructure cost which I cannot afford to fund. Especially, potential
> customers from third world countries.
> And yes... I'm from Indonesia - also a third world - which lacks of
> such infrastructure and which technology is still a very expensive
> thing. With an adequate market education and a focused campaign, I think
> you can grab the chances.
> Hope I make myself clear enough, and pardon me for a poor written English :)
> Regards,
> Feris
> Reuven Cohen wrote:
>> In my blog post this morning I discussed my entrepreneurs dilemma of
>> whether or not to take venture capital.
>> (
>> Dealing with unsolicited venture capital inquires is quickly becoming
>> my number one task. I'm getting between 5-10 emails or phone calls
>> from VC's and private equity firms on a weekly basis. Is this a sign
>> that the market is about to explode with new competitors or is it a
>> sign that 4+ years of work in the cloud computing is starting to pay
>> off? Are others in the cloud computing space having similar
>> experiences?
>> I'd love to hear your experiences, good and bad.
> >


Reuven Cohen
Founder & Chief Technologist, Enomaly Inc. :: 416 848 6036 x 1
skype: // aol: ruv6

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