I am most curious on your thought process behind these statements. Can you explain further? Here are some of my questions to you -
Why would CC not reduce staffing needs? CC may have little impact on your staff, if there is little CC use in your organization. But it should have a substantial staffing impact if much of your environment was moved to the Cloud. Correct? So isn’t this just a matter of degree?
How are you classifying CC as more expensive than any alternative? Any alternative, in any circumstance is a very broad statement to make. It is also saying that CC vendors have priced their product incorrectly.
What kinds of IT Services are you looking for CC to offer that they do not today?
CC services are not competing with your college kid scenario, but SaaS is. A small company can get everything from email to their financials over the web, so they don’t have to worry about infrastructure choices at all.
Extending this line of thought; IT staff may not have an opportunity to always make a CC choice. If a user department chooses to use a vendor provided multi-tenant SaaS based application, there is no infrastructure choice to be made. It just comes along with the product.
Thank you in advance for your response.
Terrosa Technologies - The Cloud Computing Experts
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From: [] On Behalf Of Pietrasanta, Mark
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 6:32 AM
Subject: [ Cloud Computing ] Re: Gartner: Will Cloud Displace Internal IT Services For Data Centers?
But again, it seems like people are missing the point:
1) Cloud Computing, at least in any of its current and pending forms, does almost nothing to reduce my internal IT staffing needs. It’s no better than Co-Lo in terms of IT staffing requirements;
2) CC is more expensive than *any* of the alternatives, except in fringe cases (e.g. those with extremely volatile volume changes, and academic/research/”super computing” needs)
CC can’t possibly replace internal IT services until CC *offers* some form of IT services. And the costs have to come way way down before it becomes a realistic alternative to Co-Lo (or for the small business, setting up a machine under their desk and hiring a college kid to manage it).
From: [] On Behalf Of Krishna Kurapati
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 9:18 AM
Subject: [ Cloud Computing ] Re: Gartner: Will Cloud Displace Internal IT Services For Data Centers?
My View:
It also depends on size of organization. For SMBs, Core applications as well as non-core applications (if any) will shift to Cloud/SaaS model.
And with recent financial turmoil, many large companies became medium and medium became small :)
Any organization adopting cloud would be security/compliance, availability/accessibility.
and portability/migratability.
These requirements overweigh cost advantages depending on the vertical they play into.
Cloud Ventures
On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 3:37 AM, <> wrote:
Here is an interesting article that appeared yesterday.
My take is that possibly Non-mission critical or Non- revenue
generating applications (the so called departmental applications) in
enterprises that may form about 20 to 25% of the total IT
infrastructure and services may find their way to the clouds..
Do share your thoughts...
- Sankar
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