Is "enterprise IT vs. cloud" a useful distinction to make or not?Tarry: Yes. There is a distinct difference between the two and it should be maintained. We've been there before and this time around relabeled Enterprise IT as Enterprise 2.0 and Cloud or the revived Enterprise Web 2.0 is the eventual served platform. While Ent. IT focuses on the composition and architecture of the IT ecosystem and associated business models to support Sustainable Cloud Applications or Applications/Services that need to be globally deliverable and sustainable.
Thanks Tarry, good points. When I hear "enterprise IT" I think people and goals, not systems or technology so "vs cloud" probably doesn't make sense. On the other hand datacenters are datacenters, and services are services, and it seems like in objectively evaluating the characteristics of each, ownership has a dwindling role. For example, your people could manage a shared service from my datacenter, right?
Is there a tipping point where everybody's peanut butter mixes with everybody else's chocolate, or is the model where google's apps are run by google in google's datacenters, and my company's apps are run by me in my datacenter permanent?
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