Thursday, December 18, 2008

[ Cloud Computing ] Re: cloud and user experience

"The world of IT and business on the web is about to get a whole lot

Can you quantify "about"? Within 1 year? 2 years? Or even 5 years?

This is a sweeping statement that appears to be predicated on the emergence
of standards within the cloud computing domain - and, hence, the evolution
of standard frameworks. However, many other postings have said that you will
be waiting a long time for these standards to take shape.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 12:07 PM
To: Cloud Computing
Subject: [ Cloud Computing ] Re: cloud and user experience

The importance of "cloud" computing to business is far beyond simple
cost savings, allocation of resources, capex to opex conversion and
economies of scale. These are the obvious reasons for considering the
cloud and they are little more than a follow my leader game caused by
the commoditisation of IT. As more competitors adopt the cloud it will
create cost competitive pressures for others to follow. Consumers of
IT will need simply to adapt to this change in order to retain their
relative competitive positions (this is known as the red queen

However buried in all this is one truly interesting aspect known as
componentisation. From the work of Herbert Simon's and his theory of
hierarchy, we know that the speed of evolution of any system is
directly related to the organisation of its subsystems. Take a moment
to consider how fast it is to build an application today using a
database and a development platform and then compare this to how slow
it would be to build the same application if you had to first start
designing the cpu, I/O and memory.

Componentisation can make an incredible difference and the more
organised the subsystems are, the faster it is to build new and adapt
old systems.

The shift of the computing stack towards services will lead to
standardisation of lower order subsystems to internet provided
components. A consequence of this will be an acceleration in the speed
at which new IT systems can be built and modified.

The world of IT and business on the web is about to get a whole lot

This is where the real value of the cloud is and its effect will be
most strongly felt as the framework layer of the computing (what is
often called PaaS) develops.

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