Tuesday, December 16, 2008

[ Cloud Computing ] Re: Compute surface as a traded commodity?


Note that OVF is now a standard at DMTF, and has been implemented by
many of the virtualization vendors.

Steve Hand

On Dec 16, 12:55 pm, "Simon Plant" <si.pl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2008/12/16 wayne pauley <wayne_pau...@hotmail.com>>In the meantime - we need to focus our efforts on the challenges in front
> of us - private-to-public (and public-to-public) migrations, autonomics, SLA
> automation, security and privacy improvements, stack orchestration, improved
> discovery and self-wareness, and eventually standards.
> @Wayne, I agree entirely. I'm interested in outlining an end-game to work
> towards, but certainly for right now the issue I have is getting
> applications/services on the same virtualization platform internally and
> externally in a hybrid model, and migrating workloads in and out of the
> firewall as demand and capacity requires.
> @Jim, I harp back to standards of vm's, AMI's and templates and writing the
> applications appropriately on top. VMWare started this discussion at least
> with their Open Virtualization Format (http://www.vmware.com/interfaces/ovf.html)
> Right now I don't see a solution for either, unless I'm missing something?
> Simon Plant

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