Tuesday, December 16, 2008

[ Cloud Computing ] Re: Cloud for Financial Sectors

On another SaaS forum, Drew Clark of IBM had put together this useful list of cloud implementations. 

Nasdaq is the only Financial company on this list.  There are rumors that finance  companies are running compute intensive tasks such as risk simulations on the EC2 infrastructure.  It is perhaps not publicized since it has security implications.

Ranjit Nayak

--- On Mon, 12/15/08, Murat Kiran - Future Technologies Today <mkiran@ftt.nl> wrote:
From: Murat Kiran - Future Technologies Today <mkiran@ftt.nl>
Subject: [ Cloud Computing ] Re: Cloud for Financial Sectors
To: barbara@principiainc.com
Cc: "Cloud Computing" <cloud-computing@googlegroups.com>
Date: Monday, December 15, 2008, 11:39 PM


How can you manage one (clouded) physical layer of Networking environment for
different kind of customers? It wont be a problem if you have one single
wit its own cloud, but I think this is rather consolidation/centralization than
cloud computing?

Met vriendelijke groet,
Kind regards,

Murat Kiran
M +31 628125007
F +31 848397630

Citeren barbara@principiainc.com:

> Raj,
> I have 10+ years Financial Services experience, most recently with
> J.P. Morgan.
> I found some reference to John O'Hara, an ex colleague of mine at
> Morgan, about AMQP in this subject.
> From what I understand, several of the sector leaders in NYC are
> already funding internal cloud infrastructure.
> There are some huge benefits including
> * Volatile demand that drives server sprawl.
> * Long infrastructure delivery time lines driven by extreme process &
> governance.
> * A post financial services crisis renewed focus on driving down
> costs.
> * Time to Market: Need for rapid deployment of infrastructure for
> development, testing and to experiment and work out ideas.
> Financial services challenges:
> * Many of the banks already have and use compute farms for risk &
> pricing. The next challenge will be to use Cloud like compute for
> broader range of applications.
> * Regulation, compliance and security challenges that will only get
> worse with additional regulation, so I suspect they will focus on
> internal clouds, rather than third party utilities.
> * The Financial sector, like many businesses, has many complex, poorly
> standardized, legacy applications that are less than ideal candidates.
> * Companies will need to scrutinize green field development and third
> party packages/services to assure they are cloud compatible.
> The firms I would watch are Goldman Sachs & Morgan Stanley.
> Barbara Bour
> On Dec 14, 12:31 am, "Rajarshi Bhose"
> wrote:
> > Hello All,
> >
> > Please can any one provide some inputs on the cloud adaptation in
> Financial
> > Sectors. Are there any companies which have already invested in
cloud, any
> > pointers to such case studies, white papers would be very helpful.
> >
> > Are clouds ready for Financial Organizations?
> >
> > Many Thanks
> > Raj
> >

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