Tuesday, December 16, 2008

[ Cloud Computing ] Re: Cloud for Financial Sectors

I've worked with a large financial customer this year who built a
variable compute capacity system, many others are in the process of
doing the same. I guess the problem many of "you" are struggling with
is force fitting this into the definition of a cloud, or hoping it is
so that you can use their success as reference points.

If you take a row of servers, either build-your-own or buy something
like an IBM iDataPlex server or a DELL DCS build, and use it as a
cloud types environment into which you offer a range of applications
and images which can be provisioned dynamically and on-demand, is it a
cloud or not? If it is, then there are loads doing this in the
financial sector. If not, that perhaps you could help me understand
your definition of cloud computing.


On Dec 16, 2:50 pm, Ranjit Nayak <ranjit_na...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On another SaaS forum, Drew Clark of IBM had put together this useful list of cloud implementations. 

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