Amount of advertising? Amount of revenue? Number of production
systems? Or just because they are not vmware or microsoft?
IBM has customers who regularly run 150+ production systems in logical
partitions on non-mainframe based servers, and their are customer who
are pushing the limit on mainframe servers, many thousands of
customers run mainframe virtualization, in fact these days you can't
buy a mainframe without it.
Back in 1992 I was working with a customer who regularly ran 22k
virtual machines on a single mainframe.
Back in 1983 I was the first person to move a production credit card
processing system into a virtualized environment by adding 4Mb of
memory onto an 8Mb memory system, for the extra 4Mb we got a small
test system we could use to boot and start-up the application software
stack. In those days I was working at Chemical Bank in NY.
On Dec 14, 11:12 am, Sarre9 <> wrote:
> Saad,
> I heard something very similar about 5 years ago when virtualization
> first started to appear. The head of new IT tech at the company I
> worked at felt that virtualization was not worth looking into until
> IBM had outlined their technical direction. While IBM was in early,
> they today aren't considered the number 1 or 2 virtualization player.
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