Thursday, July 10, 2008

Re: Why won't people use clouds: The grey part of the silver lining


I did no such thing. Nor do I believe in absolutism. Instead what I am
saying is that not all solutions make sense in the cloud - just because
you can doesn't mean you should.

Chuck Wegrzyn

Ray Nugent wrote:
> Bill, you're right, there certainly are - proof positive that there
> are no absolutes :-) While Chuck has characterized folks comfortable
> with putting their data in the cloud as "fools" that's based on his
> version of absolutism - his point of reference. Any discussion here
> that things are absolutely one way or the other is pretty much
> useless. (which means we'll probably get to the 400 post mark :-)
> However, having all the data points about the varying degrees of
> adoption IS useful for folks trying to make a living in this space.
> It might be helpful to talk about the businesses that are looking at
> this and the ones that have high aversion to it so we can map out
> where the market adoption is right now and where it might go.
> Just my 2 cents
> Ray

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