Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Re: Why won't people use clouds: The grey part of the silver lining

Geez, I just don't get this ... the guys I work with would never consider putting data into the hands of a 3rd party, no matter who the 3rd party was. I for one cannot imagine ever trusting Google to not be reading my email, uninteresting as that would be ...

On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 8:51 PM, Ray Nugent wrote:
I met with a potential customer today and the requisite data security questions started to rain down. I asked them how secure the data in their data center was and then produced a 2 gig USB drive from my pocket and dropped it on the table. It got kind of quiet for a bit and then the discussion turned to how much MORE secure data would be in a cloud with more control over who has physical access to the data. Great discussion though...


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